Thursday, May 15, 2008

Only 10 Minutes into the Morning

Girl standing by printer: Printing comes out here right?

Me: Yes, it does. Did you print something?

Girl: Yeah, but it's not doing anything.

Me: [Goes over to check.] Hmm, there's nothing in the queue. Is it still up on your computer? You could try printing it again.

Girl: I already deleted it.

Me: Ah, well, unfortunately it doesn't look like it's going to print. Was it a web page? Maybe we could bring it up again?

Girl: I don't remember what it was.

You don't remember what you printed just a minute ago, but it was important enough to print? This is why we waste so much paper here.

A few minutes later...

Man standing by printer: This is the printer, right?

Me: Yes, it is.

Man: I don't think it's working.

Me: [Goes over to check.] I don't see anything in the queue. Let's try again. Do you still have it up on your computer?

Man: Yes, I'm at this computer over here. [THANK DEWEY!]

Me: Let's click on this Print button, and that should do it.

Man: Ohhhhh, I didn't click on that button.

1 comment:

Coco said...

LOL... that was like funny and sad at the same moment! Can't believe how some people really are.