Monday, July 14, 2008

It's On, Are You?

Nice Lady: Can you help me get this? [holds up a piece of paper with a Web address on it]

Me: You want to look at that website?

NL: It's for a class.

Me: Okay, well you can choose any open computer and I can help you get to that website if you would like.

NL: Okay. [finds a computer and sits down] Do you have any paper? I want to write down what you tell me.

Me: Good idea. Let me go find some. [people's inability to print just the pages they want assures that we have a constant supply of scratch paper]

NL: This is for a class. What do I do?

Me: You get started by clicking on the Internet browser button. [points to it on the screen]

NL: Click on it?

Me: Yes, with the mouse. [points to the mouse]

NL: Let me write that down. [writes very, very slowly] This is for a class.

Me: Okay, you click on that gray box with the globe on it, the Internet browser button, with the mouse. [demonstrates moving the mouse]

NL: Don't I have to turn the computer on first?

Me: Errrr, it's already on...

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