Thursday, June 19, 2008

Little Things This Week

Someone at the circ desk sent her down to the ref desk to ask if the library's security gates would damage her digital camera if she brought it in, because "the person down there is a computer expert." Thanks, circ desk!

He thinks he should get a longer loan period on his ILL (5 weeks minimum!) because he's a doctor and pays lots of taxes and has to drive 3 hours to get here, and he makes sure the whole library hears him yelling at the circ clerk and then at me. I Google him and find out he's a retired professor of finance.

She's demanding to talk to my coworker, who is not scheduled to be on desk today, because she needs his help with burning a CD. I tell her she'll have to wait until he's on desk next, which will be tomorrow, and offer her my help instead, but she declines because she's sure I wouldn't know how to help her. I don't feel bad about her having to wait until tomorrow to burn her CD.

Someone at the youth services desk sent a kid down for a book. I find it for her, but it's a Simpsons philosophy compilation and she wants Simpsons comics, so she's very disappointed and says coming downstairs was "a complete waste of time." Thanks, youth services desk!

He wants my help obtaining a Russian bride over the Internet. He's got one all picked out, but he can't figure out how to pay for her.

She wants local addresses for national airlines. She has been looking for a job for a long time and finally found the perfect one. On the other side of the country. It will be financially difficult for her to go there for an interview. So her plan is to write letters to the airlines asking for free or reduced airfare. She thinks a local office will be more likely to listen to her pleas. She's planning on writing hotels too, since she can't afford that either.

He's complaining about getting leg cramps from sitting at our computers too long. He has been here for hours. He says if he's having this problem at age 30, he doesn't want to know what age 40 will bring. Then he asks how late we're open and is happy to know he can stay for 3 more hours.

(In related news, someone slipped a comment into our suggestion box complaining that there are people who are here too much, sometimes even all day. The director noted that you wouldn't know who's here all day if you're not here all day too.)

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