Wednesday, March 19, 2008

...And It Gets Worse

The stinky patron who confessed his feelings for me via email sent me a second email, even more disturbing than the first. Most of it made no sense, which is never, ever a good sign, but it's clear that he wants to have a sexual relationship with me ("stripped naked") and doesn't care if he gets in trouble for saying so ("make it public"). The rest is pretty much gibberish.

My director, being the fantastic director that he is (how dare he retire this summer!), emailed him a response, telling him the emails he had sent me were inappropriate and any further emails would be forwarded to the police. Dewey willing, that will put an end to this and he will never email me or enter the library again.

Thinking about how often I am the only staff member on my level of the library and how many times it's been just the two of us there when he's slow gathering his stuff together at closing...


Lauren Sadler said...

I like your mascot :)

Sarah said...

Thank you! Her name was Possum, and she was a very sweet girl.